
The Complete Spider-Squirrel Volume One Ultimate Edition

Created by Charlie McElvy

It all begins (and ends) here! Witness the launch of the XION UNIVERSE in an adventure that spans the indiecomics multiverse!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

about 1 year ago – Mon, Feb 06, 2023 at 09:55:46 PM

Okay, so I'm running late after a full day of travel and conferences. Apologies! Here are the rough mockups of the pizza box TPB container, now available as a $5 add-on in this campaign! Backers at the $35 Signed & Numbered tier will get these boxes at no extra charge if the campaign closes above the $6500 Stretch Goal (currently at $6518 with three days to go)!

New Stretch Goal Unlocked! New Add-on Coming!
about 1 year ago – Sun, Feb 05, 2023 at 07:23:31 PM

I’m packing for a work trip (Las Vegas — no, I won’t have extracurricular fun as my entire days there are pre-planned), BUT wanted to congratulate you for unlocking ELEVEN new digital comics!! We are up to TWO DOZEN unlocked digital comics for this campaign! WOW!! Enjoy!

New Add-On Coming!! Tomorrow night (assuming my hotel wifi works) I’ll be adding a BRAND-NEW add-on: a custom “pizza box” packaging for your physical TPB and a few bonuses or add-ons.

The add-on will be $5 for the custom box with NO ADDITIONAL SHIPPING COST. Even for international backers.

If you back at the Signed & Numbered ($35) tier or higher you will get this upgrade at no additional charge! For those who backed at lower tiers you can either add the $5 box or upgrade to the S&N limited edition tier to get it!

Consider upgrading today! Mock-ups to be announced tomorrow night!

Best! Charlie

WEEKEND UPDATE! Happy February!
over 1 year ago – Fri, Feb 03, 2023 at 03:19:11 PM


We are just over $250 away from unlocking yet another stretch goal reward for you! MORE FREE STUFF!!! Keep telling your friends about this campaign and we'll all enjoy the goodness to come.

Futures In Scope

The Xion Studios crew is hard at work on multiple projects (this one is completed, just needs to be printed and delivered), and I can tell by the quality of work being done that there is a great deal of pride and joy being poured into these upcoming titles!

Rook: Return To Sender

Written by Dan Faust with art by Dexter Wee and letters by Full Court Press (edits by Vito Delsante), this book is not so much a superhero book as it is a crime and redemption, street-level story that just happens in a superhero universe. Rook is a disgraced former police officer and Metahuman Incident Corps (MICs) member now trying to clear his [falsely accused] name and return to his family. Along the way, his sense of justice won't let him ignore the crime around him. So, whether drug dealer, or supervillain, or international assassin, Rook will not stop until he stops you. For fans of The Punisher (with less murdery murder), Moon Knight (with less psychosis & mysticism), or Red Hood (with less red)!

Rook: Return to Sender one-shot (cover B by Marcus Jimenez)

Bluechip & The NEW Teen Force 5

Bluechip retired from superhero work and became a college professor. Too many losses in his life led him to make the tough decision to hang up his spandex. But a new kid is running around with his costume, fighting crime. Bluechip is forced back into action when murder strikes close to home and he happens along some metahuman teenagers along the way. These kids need mentoring. Will Bluechip step up to train this new generation of young hero...? For fans of Teen Titans (with less Marv Wolfman & George PĂ©rez), X-Men (with fewer mutants), Young Justice (with fewer clones)!

Bluechip & The NEW Teen Force 5 mini-series by DT Butchino, Kenan Halilović, Omi Remalante & Vito Delsante

The Spider-Squirrel & Trash Panda Titan-sized Special

A NEW Spider-Squirrel & Trash Panda tale! Twenty-four pages of our titular heroes' action, followed by a guided "tour" of stories from all across the Xion Universe! Featuring new stories by Russell Nohelty, Kathryn Calamia, Kurt Belcher, Daniel Kalban, Tom Stillwell, Joshua Pantalleresco, and more, with art by Dale Yaddow, René Cordova, Chris Batista, Anthony Hary, Paul Gori, and more! For fans of Spider-Squirrel and cool books everywhere!

Release dates TBD (but in 2023). Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Substack, or Facebook for updates!!


Super Best Friend #1-3: A Superhero Adventure! SERIES FINALE

What if you livestreamed your best friend's secret identity to the entire world? This 48-page comic closes out the series!

Okay,  read the first issue and somehow missed the second, so I'm backing at a catch-up tier so I can read them all together in one sitting! I love what Jason and team put together here. It's fresh, fun, and relevant in today's "livestream every darn thing" culture! Plus, did I mention it's fun??

Super Best Friend 1-3 by Jason Inman

Go check it out and give it a back!

Until next time!


[WEEKEND UPDATE] I Know, I Know...
over 1 year ago – Fri, Jan 27, 2023 at 06:51:44 PM

...I Just Updated Yesterday

And of course part of the content was my intentional reduction of updates. Ya win some, ya lose some, LOL. Anyway, here's the weekend update!!

$76 To Your Next Stretch Goal!

Keep sharing, promoting, and pushing because we're on the verge of hitting the next stretch goal which will get you new book pages (physical and digital), cover prints (physical), and THIS JUST IN: my friend Brian Hawkins has provided me with TWO MORE FREE digital comics to give to you for this Stretch Goal!!! So, let's hit that $6k mark!


I'm a fan of Russell Nohelty. I also happen to be in a position to have worked with Russell on a project (Hint: it has something to do with my Xion Universe and hasn't been published yet...), for which I consider myself so very fortunate. Russell is a terrific person, one of the hardest-working and dedicated individuals I've ever met, and he has EARNED the title of USA Today Best-Selling Author. He's incredible and I'm looking forward to working with him more! Happy to have him in my circle.

Russell currently has a Kickstarter campaign running right now for the first eight books in his portal fantasy series The Obsidian Spindle Saga and I think you should check it out because I think it’s awesome. Give it a backing! I DID!

The Obsidian Spindle Saga: 8 portal fantasy fairy tale books

#MAKE100: Eight portal fantasy novels filled with fairy tales, mythology, action, and romance.

Eight portal fantasy novels filled with fairy tales, mythology, action, and romance.


Do you adore fairy tales?

Are you obsessed with mythology?

Do you flip for portal fantasy?

Then you'll love The Obsidian Spindle Saga.

Fairy tales are real.

Rose Briar is a diabetic college student without insurance. She’s been scraping by through a combination of maxing out credit cards and relying upon the kindness of strangers.

Unfortunately, she’s spent every dollar at her disposal. There’s no money left to buy her life-saving insulin.

Without her medication, Rose falls into a diabetic coma. She tumbles into a deep slumber and wakes up in a fantastical place called the Dream Realm, where fairy tales and legends of old are still very much alive.

She has one chance to wake up.

She must trek across the world, visit the most powerful object in the land, the Obsidian Spindle, and entreat the fates; the only beings powerful enough to send her soul back to Earth.

But evil forces don’t want her to leave. They will stop at nothing to capture her and make sure she never goes home again.

Now, with the help of her half-gorgon girlfriend and a mysterious red rider, Rose must race across the land fighting dragons, monsters, and the forces of the Wicked Witch, Nimue, in order to reach the Obsidian Spindle before her body dies on Earth and she’s trapped in the Dream Realm forever.

Will she be able to wake up? Can she survive? That is the genesis of the Obsidian Spindle Saga (simplified sometimes as TOSS below), and the first book The Sleeping Beauty.

Thanks for listening and enjoy the weekend!!

Best to all!


READ ME! Right About Halfway! NEW Stretch Goals Added!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Jan 26, 2023 at 07:24:45 AM

We Are Nearing the Halfway Point...

...this campaign isn't a full 30 days long, but with 15 days remaining I figured it's a good time to drop an update and some fun surprises.

Where Are All The Updates?

I know you get a TON of email already, and if you're like me and have backed a lot of projects here, that's only exponentiated. Right now I'm getting over a dozen Kickstarter-related updates daily! That's not a bad thing at all, but I'm trying to be sensitive to your time and make sure that when I update it's valuable for you.

Alternately, if you want more updates from me or have questions you can email me directly: [email protected] .

Also, I have a Substack that I've neglected for a while (flu, holidays, relapse of flu, birthdays, GAH!), but I'm committing to completing a monthly newsletter for those interested in all things Charlie & Xion Studios. Sign up here:

 NEW Stretch Goals Unlocked!

As it stands right now, once we hit each rewards milestone and finishat or above that target, you unlock for yourselves these bonuses:

  •  🔒 At $8000: 1.7mil SUEDE-FEEL LAMINATE ADDED TO THE COVER FOR ALL PRINT BACKERS (Backer's choice to add or not) 
  •  🔒 At $9000: BLUE SPOT FOIL ADDED TO THE COVER LOGO FOR ALL PRINT BACKERS (Backer's choice to add or not) 

HOWEVER, we are ADDING FREE COVER PRINTS for BOTH covers to all Physical Rewards Tiers once we hit and finish at or above $6000! That means you can choose your favorite cover and still get a beautiful virgin print (no cover dress) of both covers in 6"x9" (15,2cm x 22,9cm) full-color glory!

Watch Our Creator Hangout TONIGHT at 9PM (EST)

Join me as I hang out with the incredible indiecomics talents Travis Gibb, Pat Shand, Laurie Foster, Caleb Palmquist, Clay Adams, Dave Steinborn, and Trevor Fernandes-Lenkiewicz!!

A Few Of My Kickstarter Recommendations

These are books I've backed or books by friends or BOTH! Please give them a look & consider supporting them if you like what you see!

The Switch: Electricia

The remastered "ELECTRIFYING EDITION" of the Switch Graphic novel- in softcover for the first time!

I've recommended this one once already, but I'm really digging what Keith & Tom and the crew at New Pain Productions are doing! I've read this one before, and I'm backing for the softcover edition to re-read (so I can keep my hardcover nice).

ISAI: A Dauntless Story

A catastrophic experiment leaves young scientists with unnatural side effects and devastating grief. In this 40 page shƍnen one shot!

I absolutely love what Marcus is doing with this book and I'm REALLY looking forward to reading it! Marcus is a friend and collaborator (have you seen his cover to my upcoming Rook: Return to Sender one-shot??), and a damn fine dude. And even if none of that were true, this book looks pretty dope on its own, so I backed it!!

On the Wings of Diadra 1-3

A mother finds herself having to hide her children from a monster that wants to feed on them and only Oswald can help protect them.

OSWALD IS BACK, BABY! And this new adventure from JD Calderon looks really fun! If you've read any of The Oswald Chronicles, like me, then you know and appreciate the fun adventures that JD creates with his keyboard! Check out the latest release on Kickstarter today & give it a back!

Oh, and I'll be on JD's podcast on February 5th, so watch for news on that!

That's all for now!!  Virtual hugs & fist bumps to you all!
